Distributed Multi-Robot Exploration
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.07.2015
Reihe: 8
Band Nummer: 1242
Autor: Dipl.-Inform. Dominik Haumann
Ort: Heppenheim
ISBN: 978-3-18-524208-3
ISSN: 0178-9546
Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
Anzahl Seiten: 154
Anzahl Abbildungen: 49
Anzahl Tabellen: 2
Produktart: Buch (paperback, DINA5)
This dissertation introduces the DisCoverage paradigm. DisCoverage describes a novel scheme for distributed multi-robot exploration. The objective of the multi-robot exploration problem is to explore and map an a priori unknown environment as quick as possible with a group of autonomous robots. DisCoverage solves this problem through effective coordination of the group, such that the robots simultaneously explore different parts of the environment. In contrast to existing approaches, DisCoverage provides a distributed solution to the multi-robot exploration problem: Robots communicate and exchange data only with robots in the respective neighborhood, such that no central coordinating unit is required. As a result, the local data exchange among the robots allows the group to globally act as one team, facilitating robust and efficient exploration of the entire environment.
Keywords: 524208, 1242, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 8, Multi-robot exploration; Distributed optimization; Distributed systems; Coverage Problem,
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