Dynamische Kraftwerkssimulation und techno-ökonomische Bewertung von Flexibilisierungsmaßnahmen

Typ: Fortschritt-Berichte VDI
Erscheinungsdatum: 04.02.2019
Reihe: 6
Band Nummer: 620
Autor: M.Sc. Marcel Richter
Ort: Duisburg
ISBN: 978-3-18-362006-7
ISSN: 0178-9414
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Anzahl Seiten: 188
Anzahl Abbildungen: 163
Anzahl Tabellen: 33
Produktart: Buch (paperback, DINA5)



Increasing the flexibility of conventional power plants is one key challenge for the transformationof the energy system towards a high share of renewable energies in power production. Flexible and dispatchable power plants fired by lignite, hard coal and natural gas will contribute during this ongoing transformation process as they compensate the intermittent power production from the renewable energy sources.

In this work, selected flexibility measures for hard‐coal‐fired power plants have been evaluated with regard to the achievable flexibilization and the thermodynamic effects on the power plant process. For this purpose, a dynamic power plant model has been built‐up using the Modelica library ClaRa in the simulation environment Dymola. The dynamic power plant model has been validated successfully against measurement data from the underlying reference power plant. The evaluation of flexibility measures first included the commonly proposed
options of the reduction of the minimum load through a one mill operation as well as the increase of the load change rates through an indirect firing system. Next, a special focus has been on the optimized utilisation of process inherent energy storages to supply primary control power. This investigation has been conducted in the entire load range between full load and the minimum load of 25%. A further innovative and promising approach is the integration of a thermal energy storage into the power plant process. Within this context, the integration
concept of a steam accumulator, better known as a Ruths storage, has been presented and the potentials and operational strategies were determined. Based on the current flexibility parameters, the considered measures lead to an appreciable flexibilization with regard to the pursued objectives, namely the reduction of the minimum load, the increase of the load change rates and the enhancement of the supply of primary control power.

Finally, the effects of the flexibilization on the power plant operation and on the economic feasibility have been evaluated. For this purpose, a power plant dispatch model as well as an energy storage dispatch model against historical price time series have been developed and utilized. A reduction of the minimum load leads to an increase in operating hours and thereby to an enhanced income on the spot market. Regarding the dispatch of a Ruths storage integrated into the water‐steam cycle, a high importance of the round trip efficiency is determined. The highest possible profit with arbitrage trading can be realized on the quarter‐hourly
intraday market. For the design of such an integrated energy storage, a storage time between 0.5 and 2 hours is identified as economically optimal.

Keywords: Marcel Richter, Kraftwerkssimulation, Ökonomie, Dynamische Kraftwerkssimulation, Steinkohlekraftwerk, Technoökonomische Bewertung, Flexibilisierungsmaßnahmen, 1-Mühlenbetrieb, Indirekte Feuerung, Thermischer Energiespeicher, Mindestlastabsenkung, Laständerungsgeschwindigkeit, Primärregelleistung,

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