ELIV 2021

Erscheinungsdatum: 20.10.2021
Reihe: VDI-Berichte
Band Nummer: 2384
Ort: Bonn
ISBN: 978-3-18-092384-0
ISSN: 0083-5560
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Anzahl Seiten: 670
Produktart: PDF-Datei
Start-up future
It has felt like Covid-19 had a stranglehold on us. But we haven‘t allowed ourselves to be defeated. On the contrary, we are taking advantage of the opportunities that arise as a result. Not only the long-overdue push towards digitalization, for example, but also the time gained by making fewer journeys. Those who show strength now and position themselves for the future will win. And that is exactly the reason why we have been preparing ELIV 2021 with such a lot of enthusiasm.
As usual, we have prepared an up-to-date program with the familiar mixture of technically demanding and strategic papers and are sure that the ELIV platform will once again be a trendsetter for the automotive industry.
The CASE megatrends (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric) continue to disrupt the industry. In the Connect environment, there is still a struggle for user-friendly services and competition amongst digital ecosystems is in full swing. The entry of powerful central computers into electronic architectures poses major challenges for all parties involved.
On the way from Level 2 to Levels 3, 4 and 5 all manufacturers are currently having a hard time due to the enormous development costs of automated driving functions. But at the same time it is clear that this trend must be taken seriously, not least on account of lucrative bus ness models. Many new electric vehicles that are currently coming onto the market not only give the opportunity of discussing new concepts, but also provide initial development and market experiences enabling discussion of drive concepts and charging.
The conference will be characterized by two main topics. On the one hand, current classic automotive problems, such as mechatronic innovations, will be examined. On the other hand, in the context of the megatrends, space is given for the latest software-oriented technologies. The main technical topic is also dedicated to the thematic complex of software: A push for the joint development of non-differentiating middleware in modern end-to-end architectures is intended to speed up the transformation process towards lucrative value creation in the software sector. To this end, the ELIV conference will offer a platform for all those interested in this highly explosive topic, not only with a discussion by highly qualified panel members.
We have made huge advances with the promised modernization of the conference. With Remi
Bastien (Renault) and Rob Csongor (formerly of Nvidia) from the USA and Joachim Langenwalter (Stellantis) as new members of the program committee, we have made a contribution to internationalization.
We are looking forward to finally being able once again to participate in profitable contributions and discussions in a real network.
Dr. Rolf Zöller
for the Program Committee
Keywords: Automatisiertes Fahren, automated driving, smart sensor, infrastructure-assisted perception, hybrid collaborated positioning, automated parking, radar simulation, trajectory tracking, operational fleet data, grapf-based vehicle diagnostics, machine learning, vehicle health management,
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