The Forum for Agricultural Engineering Innovations
Erscheinungsdatum: 10.11.2023
Reihe: VDI-Berichte
Band Nummer: 2427
Ort: Hannover
ISBN: 978-3-18-092427-4
ISSN: 0083-5560
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Anzahl Seiten: 590
Produktart: PDF-Datei
Tractor Drive Trains
An Analysis of Mixed Hydraulic and Electric Configurations for the Actuation of Tractor Auxiliary and Implement Functions to Reduce Power Consumption 1
The development of a reference working cycles for agricultural tractors 15
Performance optimization of CVT standard tractors in front loading application 21
Numerical simulation of alternative powertrains and fuels in agricultural tractors 29
Fuel Cells
A Fuel Cell Tractor in Operation – Concepts and Field Data 39
Fuel cell electric powertrain for the agricultural tractor – FCTRAC: development, performance, and benchmarking 49
Fuel cell electric tractor powered with biogenic hydrogen – Vehicle design and architecture 57
“GrindStar“ – More efficiency, effectiveness, and economy with ultrashallow soil cultivation 63
High Accuracy and High-Speed Crop Root Position Detection for Green-on-Green Mechanical Weeding 69
A comparison between conventional calibration experiments and the Excavator Test for DEM soil calibration 79
Technological and energetic aspects of a transverse pull 87
Sensors and Detection
Classifying tractor operational modes using a supervised machine learning model 93
Sensing and analyzing crop characteristics and yield data in potato harvesting 109
Condition Monitoring in Agricultural Disc Mower Machinery using Deep Learning 117
Combine Harvester
Side Slope Compensation Conveyor for Combine Harvesters 125
Automatic Closed-Loop Chop Quality Control Based on Camera Images on a Combine Harvester 131
Double cross auger cleaning system including cross distribution control 139
Forward looking Feedrate control for Combine Harvesters 147
Harvesting Machines
Avoiding downtime on combine harvesters by monitoring its vibrations – A fast survey system for bearing health 155
Frictional characteristics of wheat straw under varying contact pressure 161
Development approach for process monitoring of agricultural work processes in context of autonomous machine guidance of a tractor implement combination 169
A hybrid system architecture for combined task and motion planning as well as motion control based on cloud and onboard services using the example of different combinations of highly automated implements and traction units 175
Multi-Dimensional Three-Point-Hitch Control to Optimize Performance, Efficiency and Working Quality of Tractor Implement Combinations 181
Teleoperation of an Agricultural Mobile Robot inside Berry Orchard using LoRa Connectivity 191
LiDAR Assisted Semi-automatic Mapping and Path Planning Approach for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Vineyards and Orchards 199
Integration of Safety, Automation and AI in Ag Equipment 209
Robot Operating System ROS 2 in safety critical agricultural robot applications 219
New approach for safe environmental perception – A key technology for highly automated and autonomous machines 227
Tractors And Tires
Tractive effort prediction based on dynamic soil parameters 235
Tyre testing methodology to evaluate contact pressure distribution and simulation of the resulting soil compaction risk 247
High-fidelity simulation modelling of agricultural mobile robots 255
Traction test methods to assess the energy efficiency of agricultural tractors and tires 263
Concepts In Tractors
Innovative drivetrain concept for a high horsepower 4WD CVT tractor 269
Design and development of adaptive control elements on agricultural tractors based on ISOBUS communications 275
Simulation of refueling strategies for a hydrogen operated tractor in agricultural process chains 283
Design of an adjustable lightweight stilt tractor – Concept tractor for the application of biological control in maize 289
Electrical Agricultural Machines
Electric powertrain solutions for tractors – An introduction to a highly integrated electric axle drive system 295
Methodical redesign of drivetrains of agricultural machinery 301
Modular battery swap system as an enabler for fossil free mobile work machines 313
Sensors In Harvesting Machines
App based chop quality estimation for silage maize harvest quality optimization 321
Grain kernel size for yield deviation analysis – Utilizing machine learning to increase yield documentation insights 327
Efficient and Reliable Employment of Stereo Cameras in Precision Agriculture 333
Concepts and Agronomy
Potentials of Functional-electrified System Topologies for the Powertrain Design in Combine Harvester Applications 341
Cost simulation of future agricultural machinery concepts – Applied on a comparison of constant electrical power supply and battery swapping 349
Work light modularity, research for real 360° visibility, focus on hidden areas to increase safety and performance for the customer 357
User experience evaluation, based on Ergonomics and Virtual Reality tools on CNHi agricultural tractors 363
Communication Systems
Adapting and enhancing V2X communication to agricultural machinery to address road safety via C-ITS 371
AEF Wireless In-Field communication – Ad hoc V2V Video Communications 379
AEF – Agricultural Interoperability Network 389
Grain Handling Simulations in Combine Harvester – Simulation Development, Validation and Optimization 395
Study on the use of DEM for the optimization of pelleting rollers 403
CFD/DEM coupling for the optimization of air conveyor sections of pneumatic seed drills 413
Simulation of filling and venting operations in agricultural cold heat networks by using CFD and the Volume of Fluid method 417
An examination of viable sustainable solutions for off-road mobile machinery and agriculture 425
Potential uses of bioenergy in the mobility sector and agricultural machinery 433
Platform-Based and AI-Enabled Farming to Foster Agricultural Ecosystems 441
New technical approaches to produce high protein feed from alfalfa 455
Deploying Off-Road Autonomy at Scale 463
Self-supervised learning for an agriculture driver assistant system 471
Evaluating the work quality of in-row hoeing systems using computer vision methods 477
Environmental Improvements
Quo Vadis bale twine? 483
Systems Engineering Development and Analysis Approach to Improving Self-Propelled Sprayer Boom Height Control 489
Lateral distribution of a spray drone applying different nozzles and measuring methods – Different methods are adapted to measure transverse distribution 497
Broad-leaved dock control by unmanned aerial vehicles – What image quality is needed for a plant detection? 505
Prepare for Autonomy
Necessity and implementation of a smart transportation concept for autonomous agricultural machines 513
Data-driven algorithms for predicting energy-efficient operating points in agricultural soil tillage 519
Phased array radar applications in agriculture – Seeing through dust 529
Outdoor computer vision for aiding agricultural implement hitching by autonomous tractor 533
Test Concepts
AgrifoodTEF – The Test and Experimentation Facilities for AI and Robotics in the Agrifood sector 541
AI-TEST-FIELD – A Test Environment for the Automated Evaluation of Methods for Robust and Reliable Environment Perception 547
Field Tests with the Modular and Scalable Tillage Systems Feldschwarm 555
Keywords: Taktor Antriebsstrang, Kraftstoff Zellen, Traktor Hilfszusatz, landwirtschaftliche Traktoren, Frontlader Anwendungen, alternative Antriebe, biogener Wasserstoff, Kultivierung ultaflacher Böden, Hochgeschwindigkeits-Ertrags-Wurzelerkennung, Grün zu Grün mechanisches Jäten, tractor drive trains, fuel cells, tractor auxiliary, agricultural tractors, front loading application, alternative powertrains, biogenic hydrogen, ultrashallow soil cultivation, High-Speed Crop Root Position Detection, Green-on-Green Mechanical Weeding, Agricultural Disc Mower Machinery, Agricultural Mobile Robot
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