Metrology in digital production
VDI Status Report January 2023
Erscheinungsdatum: 25.01.2023
Reihe: Blaue Papiere
Band Nummer: 04/2023
Autor: VDI / VDE (Hrsg.)
Ort: Düsseldorf
ISBN: 978-3-949971-29-7
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Anzahl Seiten: 38
Produktart: PDF-Datei
Executive Summary
This is the translation of the publication „VDI-Statusreport Fertigungsmesstechnik in der digitalen Produktion, 2021-11 [VDI/VDE GMA 2021], original
in German language.
The aim of this document is to make the processes and structures for digitised integration of measurement technology into production transparent. For this purpose, the existing processes and structures as well as the software interfaces used, and the underlying models are presented. Based on this presentation, generally usable models for the digital representation of measuring systems and measurement orders in production are developed. The partially executed details of these models are to be understood as exemplary explanations. They will differ depending on the application and environment.
Although digitalisation in its original meaning (analogue-digital conversion) has long played a leading role in measurement technology, paradigms such as Industry 4.0 require a comprehensive consideration of all aspects of measurement technology with regard to the digital acquisition, processing, distribution and representation of data. This includes the representation of the measurement data itself as well as the measuring systems and measurement orders in the form of digital models.
The basis for successful digitalisation is the methodical integration of metrology processes and the associated product inspection into digital production. The technical networking of all devices or systems is a necessary prerequisite for this. Established processes or standards defined by norms should be taken into account. For example, the reference architecture Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) provides a framework for the realisation of horizontal and vertical integration and the associated communication. Horizontal communication refers to communication on the same structural organisational level, while vertical communication goes across different levels.
Executive Summary 1
Preface 2
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Definitions and scope 4
1.2 Metrology and production 4
2 Integration of measurement technology into digital production 6
2.1 Digitalisation and digital production 6
2.2 Digitisation and measurement technology 6
2.3 Automation pyramid and RAMI (Reference Architecture Model
Industry 4.0) 6
2.4 Horizontal and vertical communication and integration 7
2.5 Measurement technology for inspection in the industrial production
process 7
2.6 Horizontal and vertical integration of measurement technology 9
3 Existing standardised interfaces and models for integration 10
3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 Categorisations, models, and interfaces for measuring systems 11
3.3 Interfaces for measurement orders and measurement results 13
3.4 Comparison regarding vertical and horizontal integration 15
4 Models 17
4.1 Overview 17
4.2 Model for measuring systems 18
4.3 Model for measurement orders 23
4.4 Inspection equipment selection and suitability in the models 24
Bibliography 26
List of abbreviations 33
Authors and funding notes 34
Keywords: Messtechnik, Fertigungsmesstechnik, Digitalisierung, Automationspyramide, Messsysteme, metrology, production, measurement technology, automation pyramid, measurement system
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